Getting the feel of a university campus is a unique way to make sure you choose a school where you truly belong, as well as improve your chances of admission. In this interview, Athanasia Ageliki Theodorou, who won a free campus tour, shares how she made the most of visiting the campus of her choice while exploring the best options for international graduate school studies.
What will be the value of gaining a Master’s degree for you?
The main factors that have led me to consider getting a Master’s degree are related to my attempts so far to get a job in my field. Also, I feel it is important to expand my knowledge and acquire more practical skills.
You attended the Access Masters Tour last season. Can you tell us about your experience at the event?
My experience at the event was fun, nice and useful in many ways. I came into contact with universities from all around the world. I was able to meet their representatives and ask about everything that interested me. They really give you a wealth of knowledge. This has widened my horizons as I looked into diverse options for the future, what I would like to do, and where I would like to be. I very much enjoyed the event.
Read: Making the Right Decision with a Campus Visit
During Access Masters, did you meet a representative of the university your chose to visit and how did this affect your decision to visit the campus?
Indeed, I met a representative of the University of Loughborough during the event. She was very friendly and kind. She happily answered all my questions. This experience greatly affected my decision to choose Loughborough for my free campus visit.
Check out more programmes at University of Loughborough by taking a look at this handy profile.
What was your initial reaction when you first set foot on the school campus?
I was truly excited and curious to see and learn all I could to help me in my decision of where to study for a Master’s degree.
Did the school campus visit exceed your expectations and, if so, how?
It did. Everyone was very kind and polite. They were thorough in their tour and readily answered all of my questions.
What value did your visit to the school campus have in your search for the right business school?
When I met the representatives of the Business and Marketing departments, they spent time showing me what and how they teach, asking for my thoughts and listening to me.
Who did you meet during your visit and how did they help you get to know the school better?
I met a student, the representatives of Business and Marketing, and the person who arranged my visit. They were all very helpful, kind, and easy to talk to.
What did you do during your stay in the city? Did you dedicate all of your time to education?
My focus was mostly on learning about the university. However, the tour that the university team arranged included the nearby town and I was happy to explore more of it.
What advice would you give new attendees at the Access Masters Tour so that they get the most out of this opportunity?
To not be afraid to ask questions and ask to see more, to explore their options, and not to remain locked in other people’s beliefs.
Will you visit other university campuses before you decide where to study?
I would like to, however I find it rather hard due to economic reasons and my current work schedule.
How did you prepare for the campus visit prior to your trip?
I spent time exploring the website of the university and the two departments I am interested in. I wanted to discover which one I might find more interesting. Also, I made up my mind which things I would like to learn more about.
Your top three dos and don’ts for campus visits?
My top three dos are: Ask questions. Explore. Learn and listen as much as you can
My top three don’ts are: Don’t be rude. Don’t be scared to explore. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
This article is original content produced by Advent Group and included in the 2019-2020 annual Access MBA, EMBA, and Masters Guide under the title “Discover Where You Belong”. The latest online version of the Guide is available here.