TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language
The Test of English as a Foreign Language tests your ability to understand Standard North American English. The TOEFL is written and administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and used by North American colleges and graduate schools to evaluate the level of English-language proficiency of international student applicants. Since its inception in 1964, the TOELF test has been taken by over 20 million students.
It is now universally required of all students whose native language is not English. American universities require the TOEFL of incoming first-year students, of those who have done some work in a European university and seek advanced standing, and of those who have a licence/licentiate or doctorate and plan to undertake graduate study (post-university study) in the United States.
The TOEFL is now administered as a paper-based test in many parts of the world, including Belgium. You may take the TOEFL only once per calendar month. The paper-based TOEFL is held at the International School of Brussels only a couple of times a year. You can register by using the TOEFL-Bulleting which you can find in the Commission Advising Centre or on the TOEFL-website.
Since American universities attach more importance to the results achieved in this particular test than to any other to guarantee sound knowledge of English, students wishing to enter an American university are strongly advised to take the test in October or November (a year before they plan to go to the United States) and thus make test results available early to American universities.
The test has four sections:
- Listening: Measures the ability to understand English as it is spoken in North America.
- Structure: Measures the ability to understand short passages similar in topic and style to academic texts used in North American colleges and universities.
- Reading: Measures the ability to understand short passages similar in topic and style to academic texts used in North American colleges and universities.
- Writing: Measures the ability to write in English on an assigned topic.
Scores are valid for two years only and you may take the computer-based test only once in a calendar month.
When you register for the TOEFL test, you will receive free test preparation material.
TSE - Test of Spoken English
The TSE measures the ability of non-native English speakers to communicate orally in English. The TSE consists of nine items; each of these requires examinees to perform a particular speech act, such as narrating, recommending, persuading or expressing and supporting an opinion. During the test, various situations are described by a speaker on an audiotape and questions are also posed. (Typical situations include: giving directions on a map, describing events in series of pictures, reading a passage out loud, or answering a question.) You are asked to find the best answer among those printed in the test booklet.
Your score will consist of one score for communicative language ability which is reported on a scale of 20-60. There are no passes or fails. Each institution determines for itself what scores are acceptable.
TOEIC - The English for International Communication
TOEIC test measures English proficiency, specifically as it is used in real-life situations in the business world and other professions. The TOEIC is different from the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): the TOEFL tests academic English, while the TOEIC tests everyday English used in business. The TOEFL measures intermediate to fluent English language ability, while the TOEIC measures a wider range, from beginner to advanced English ability.
The TOEIC is written by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), a private, not-for-profit company based in Princeton, New Jersey in the United States. TOEIC is used extensively in Japan and Korea, and its use is expanding throughout Asia, Europe, and the Americas.
IELTS - International English Language Testing System
The International English Language Testing System is administered by the British Council. Like the TOEFL, the IELTS covers the four basic language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing). A growing number of American colleges and universities are now accepting IELTS results as a substitute for TOEFL scores.
TEF – Test d’Evaluation de Français
The TEF is a standardized test designed to assess one's level of French language comprehension and speaking skills. The test is for individuals whose native language is not French, and evaluates one's quantitative and qualitative linguistic skills with a detailed analysis and individualized results. It is an international exam par excellence and is recommended by many international organizations.