Master’s in Marketing and Communication prepare graduates to participate in strategic business expansion and branding by analyzing customers' behaviour and expectations in order to determine the most effective way to reach them.
- Applicants: Graduate programmes in Marketing teach students how to target a specific population or group in order to sell a product more effectively. Graduate students will gain knowledge of specifics about the sociology, consumer behaviour and purchasing patterns of certain target groups. Marketing at its highest level is an extremely intellectual and abstract profession, one whose applications and results are firmly rooted in the world of the practical consumer. Potential candidates for graduate marketing programmes should be productively creative and ambitious in their approach to learning and to life in general.
- Course content: While training focuses on some traditional academic spheres such as sociology and psychology, it is still very important for those in the field of marketing to participate actively with the world around them. Additionally, with just about any product or service being capable of being marketed, you will find a few specific directions you may choose to focus on, such as: Business-to-Business Marketing, Developing New Products and Services, Advertising, Public Relations, Marketing Strategy, International Marketing, Sales Management and Control, Marketing Management.
- Career options: The number of different careers and jobs which fall under the umbrella of marketing mean that 30% of all workers worldwide are estimated to be employed in marketing. The avenues for marketing professionals to pursue are seemingly infinite. Specific areas include: advertising and public relations, brand management, business-to-business marketing, direct marketing, distribution channel management, brand management, consulting, marketing research, non-profit marketing, product management, international marketing, marketing research, new product planning, retail marketing, marketing professor, sales promotion management. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook, jobs within the marketing sector will grow at a higher rate than other jobs at a national level.
- Applicants: Students enrolled on graduate communications programmes receive an interdisciplinary education with many opportunities. They open lines of communication between companies and the people to whom they are providing services. Graduate communications schools prepare students for in-demand careers in any number of industries and professional settings. The theories which are taught and practiced are not only based on the latest communications theories, they also equip graduates with the essential leadership skills necessary for forming coalitions, as well as handling and resolving crises.
- Course content: Students at graduate communications schools can choose from journalism, mass media graduate programmes, marketing graduate programmes and professional writing graduate programmes. A Master’s in Communications is not targeted only at candidates with the gift of the gab, or proficient writers, it caters for people who have a flair for writing and communicating, and who have good interpersonal skills. Those who are interested in communications management can opt for a graduate communications management programme, which involves analyzing audiences, organising ideas and choosing the right media in a multicultural environment; or telecommunications management and corporate communications, involving the study of public opinion, marketing communication and audience behaviour. Other specific areas include: advertising & public relations, journalism and mass media, publishing, radio, TV and film.
- Career options: Graduates with a Master’s degree in Communication can become public relations executives, human resources executives, corporate media directors, corporate communications consultants, advertising executives and more.
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