What to keep in mind while picking your destination for studying abroad during Covid-19.
We have been guiding personally students and young professionals around the world to their future graduate schools for over 15 years now.
In this difficult moment, we continue our services with even more care and dedication.
Your ambition to gain the latest knowledge, acquire future-proof skills and make a difference with inspiring careers should not be put on hold.
The new coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is challenging every aspect of our lives today globally.
Staying well informed is essential. Planning your education now is a life-changing decision.
In challenging times, education is the best solution. Stay safe and plan your future.
What to keep in mind while picking your destination for studying abroad during Covid-19.
Good news for international postgraduate students who have had to leave New Zealand as a result of the pandemic.
The necessary but abrupt campus closures are challenging for many international students.
As universities reopen after lockdown, campus life will not be the same. Here is what you can expect.
Check out the latest changes about Masters events and fairs, admission tests, application deadlines for the 2020 and 2021 intakes.
There are other ways to gain life experience after graduation beyond having an internship.
Useful reminders for those who are temporarily conducting their courses remotely.
Take care of your emotional wellbeing during the period of social distancing.
The at-home version of the IELTS exam provides an indicative score only.
To make sure a school is right for you, you can now use online tools to get to know the campus culture.
Appointments for test dates are available as early as 20 April.
Discover how to successfully prepare for online one-to-one meetings and make a great impression.
For test takers affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
If you need to sit your university exams online because of the Covid-19 outbreak, these tips are for you.
International students immersed online in supply chain management real business
A new solution for test takers affected by the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
Identical in content, format, on-screen experience and scoring to the standard test.
How are universities around the world responding to the Covid-19 pandemic?