Studying abroad can be life-changing for most people who have the desire and will to do it. There is no better way to broaden your mind and develop your character and skills than studying in a foreign country. It is one of the most fulfilling and exciting experiences you can undergo.
However, 2020 changed our lives in unexpected ways and there is a “new normal” that we need to get used to. While the pandemic changed many people’s education plans, studying abroad during the pandemic is not impossible.
While the situation revises some of the rules for studying abroad and travelling, Covid-19 has not yet prevented the world of education from continuing to function. In fact, the educational system has been one of the most resilient and adaptable along with the health-care system.
So how do you choose where to study abroad during a global pandemic?
Read: Covid-19: How to Choose Where to Study
Stay informed
Staying on top of the latest news and statistics about the countries and universities you are interested in is crucial. It will help you better understand your likely living conditions, the universities’ practices regarding students from abroad, and potential risks and dangers. But remember that nothing is set in stone and even countries with lower infection rates can experience a reversal in just a few weeks. This brings us to our next piece of advice.
While many universities offer flexible schedules and virtual programmes, the main aim of studying abroad is that you get to experience a different culture. Most countries have their borders open for students and have a variety of programmes that mix face-to-face classes with virtual ones. Stay up-to-date on details of the universities’ programmes and the country’s travel restrictions for students (if there are any). Know your options, so you don’t miss out on that wonderful experience!
Read: Should I Go to Grad School During a Pandemic?
Pursue your dreams safely
There is a “new normal” and while its exact nature is uncertain, it’s most likely here to stay for the foreseeable future. Don’t let that hinder your current plans and dreams. Choose a university and a country that are properly handling safety measures.
If you have already been accepted, make sure you are familiar with all your options. Take care of healthcare and accommodation beforehand, making sure all safety policies are in order.
Prospective students have a vast amount of choices for studying abroad in spite of the pandemic, only the rules have changed a bit.
The bottom line is - choose your study-abroad destination like you would have before Covid-19. Follow your dream, and consider a Master’s programme that will match your goals and vision for higher education but that will also prioritise your well-being. Plan according to the current situation, follow safety measures, take all precautions and don’t forget to wear a mask!