Wonder what the difference between an IELTS and TOEFL is? Not sure which test you should take? Pascale Laurent, Exam Manager at the British Council in Brussels, has some important facts to share with you.
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The two common things you need to know before moving on to the differences are: both the IELTS and the TOEFL are English-language tests, designed to evaluate your command of the English language; and both tests are valid for 2 years.
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The biggest difference is that the TOELF is an internet-based exam, whereas the IELTS is a pen-and-paper exam. However, in some countries the IELTS is also available on computer.
When sitting a TOEFL exam, you will only interact with the computer. And yes, that includes the speaking part – you will actually talk to the computer! Now if that's not your thing, you can go for the IELTS exam, where the speaking part is done by talking to an IELTS examiner.
"One will suit you more than the other", as Laurent cleverly points out.
Also, IELTS has two modules – academic and general; the academic is designed for students who want to get admitted to a higher education institution, whereas the general module is aimed at workers who need to prove their English level in order to work in an English-speaking country.
Lastly, IELTS has measures in place for special needs candidates.
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